Mansard finishing options: Make the right choice

Mansard is, in fact, the attic room. From an ordinary attic, it differs in that it is located in the building with a scope roof consisting of: one canopy, and the second - steep parts. They give home an extra area that can be used under residential premises.
Such a roof structure was developed by an architect from France by the surname of the Narzar, from which the word "attic" was formed.
In those days, these premises were the inhabitants of students, the poor creative intelligentsia, servants. And all because the attic was not insulated, and were poorly protected from humidity.
But the situation has long changed: due to the development of the industry and the latest design developments, the attic space has become a full addition of a residential building. Now in the attic area you can arrange almost any room, even the kitchen and bathroom.
Naturally, it will depend on this and methods of finishing the attic, and the choice of materials. But before it is to separate the attic from the inside, you must consistently perform several preparatory work, which we will tell you now.

A qualitatively performed roof of the building does not ensure that the attic will be warm and dry. To achieve this, all of its surfaces need to be inspired.
The technology of these works will depend on whether the outer thermal insulation of the roof was performed during the construction of the house:

  • If so, then additionally insulation the skates will be easier: you can simply be asked for their fiberboard, clapboard or drywall, laying under the cut thin layer of polyethylene or isolon. It is better to use foil options, they prevent condensate formation.

  • Well, if the roofs are not insulated, you will need to perform this work from the inside. Then the insulation and finishing of the attic will require consistent laying of several layers, the first of which will be a waterproofing membrane.

  • The waterproofing film by counter-rails is fixed directly to the roof wooden shell. Only after that it will be possible to lay the heat insulation.
    For the insulation of the roof rods, it is better to choose soft, and as thick as possible, rolled insulation.
  • Plate materials for this are not very good, especially if the roof is tent or with a different complex configuration. It is better to use them for insulation of walls.

  • The method of fastening the heat insulating layer depends on the roof design. If there is a small step between rafters, you can choose the material whose width is slightly larger than this distance.
    Then the insulation fits tightly between the rafters and does not need it in the additional attachment.

  • When the distance between the rafters is large, bars with a small cross section are used for fastening the insulation. In this case, first between the rafters stretch the wire, locking by self-drawers, and the insulation is already placed on it.
    It is best to watch the video on this topic.
  • If you use the usual mineral wool, then on top it will be necessary to stick a vapor barrier film, and only then to fix all this design by Bar. It is much easier to use the material with a finished vapor barrier layer.

  • Warming the walls of the attic, you can do without a waterproofing layer, but only if you use materials from foamed polyurethane as insulation.
  • Mineral wool has a property to get into and rot. The foam for this is better not to use, because it is easily flammable, and the combustion is quite toxic.
  • Very good, if there will be a gap between the waterproofing and insulation that provides ventilation of the insulation. Performing work with your own hands, do not forget that all wooden structural elements need to be treated with an antiseptic composition.
  • If there was an outer thermal insulation of the walls in your house, the nansard's frontones will not need to warm. But the floor is still better to warm, especially if there is a sleeping room in the attic.
  • For insulation, the floor is better to apply a bulk insulation: clamzite or crumb of polystyrene foam - it is very convenient, and the speaker price of the material allows you to significantly save the budget.
  • The floor is covered with polyethylene film, they mounted wooden lags, and they fall asleep in the resulting cells insulation. From above it is poured with a liquid cement solution, in which the reinforcing grid is bleated.
    On the Internet there will be more detailed instructions on the device of such a floor.

When the solution is grabbing, you can make a screed, and the floor will be ready for further finish.
This method of floor insulation creates excellent sound insulation, as well as reliable waterproofing of the room. You can make a bathroom in the attic even a bathroom or kitchen without fear that the water will flow down.
An example of a mansard floor finish under the bathroom in the photo above.

Decorative mansard decoration

Naturally, the inner finish and insulation of the attic depends on how you use this room. Most often, in the attic space arrange a living room: a bedroom or a nursery, although there are exceptions.

Tree in the finish of the mansard

Reflecting on the question: "What is better to separate the attic?" - You start to sort out all possible options. And the first thing that comes to mind is a tree.
Most likely, this association occurs because the burst structures are made from this material.

  • In addition, the planting of the attic of the attic creates additional thermal insulation, as well as a unique microclimate, carved by woody aroma. With the wonderful properties of a natural tree, no other type of finishing materials cannot argue - this is a fact.

  • The board-lining, which is most often used for finishing work, is the easiest option of the trim.
    There are five types of profile of this board, and several sizes. Its installation can be produced in various ways.
  • The location of the surface on the surface can be horizontal or vertical, diagonally, in a circle, chill. This creates a certain drawing, and the monotony of the surface is broken.

  • Using the lining as a finishing material, you can zonate the attic by dyeing each zone in your color. In the picture above, a very good example of such an interior solution.
    A lot of role in this is played by columns with a beautiful finish.

  • Mansard finish with wood can be produced in another way - using wooden panels. They can be made from both a wood array and present a typesetting panels from the same lining.
  • These can be variants of MDF with a veneer coating or bamboo. As a budget option, laminated and veneer panels are used.
    Wooden panels are good and in the wall decoration, and for the device of suspended ceilings.
  • Mansard finishing panels MDF is made if this room is used as a cabinet or a sports room. In the bedrooms, such a trim is not accepted - the interior will be associated with some office.
    Therefore, they are combined with other types of finishes, such as wallpaper, decorative plaster and painting.

Few people know that a new finishing material appeared in the construction markets - wooden wallpaper. They are a set of panels from profiled wooden elements pasted on the basis.
For the production of these wallpapers, wood is used primarily coniferous rocks. Their thickness does not exceed two centimeters, with a width of 1.2 meters and varies from two to six meters length.
Such panels are glued onto the wall as conventional wallpapers, and allow you to quickly and beautifully separate the room under the tree.

Ceiling beams

Ceiling beams can be the main decoration of the indigera. Depending on the roof design, these beams may be carriers, and not hollow fallen beams, which are used in the first floor premises.


  • This role can also play rafters - enough to carefully decorate. The examples of the decoration of the attic floor, using ceiling beams, are clearly shown as beautiful and original.

At the same time, the decorative wall decoration may be the simplest - all the attention is attracted to themselves the beam structures, be sure to have a contrast color, in relation to other surfaces. Original ceiling lamps, harmonizing with beams, play a large role in this interior.

Plasterboard structures

As we have already spoken, there is nothing in the space of the attic that could prevent the implementation of any design: partitions, columns, arches, suspended ceilings. The main thing is to be spacious.
Separate the room on the zone can be using any of these items.


  • The finishing finish of the attic, lined with plasterboard, can be a surface painted acrylic paint, wounded by wallpaper. Often attic has a good height - this is what is so lacking most apartments in high-rise buildings.
  • Sometimes it even needs to be hidden, so suspended ceilings made of drywall can have several levels and retreat from the base surface by 10-12 cm, but much more.

  • In designer projects, even stretch ceilings in the indoors are found. On the top photo, the walls made of drywall and stretch glossy ceiling of dairy color, create a wonderful living room interior.
    This contributes to good natural coverage of the attic.
  • Not all attic rooms have a sufficient number of windows. If the windows are not provided in the roofing windows, and there are only small windows on the frontal walls, in terms of lighting, it is necessary to rely on the lighting devices.

That is why the finishing of the attic is finishing, is made mainly in bright colors. Dark can only be some elements of the interior.
On the example, the top is presented a very popular reception of the wall decoration, as the continuation of the ceiling. It looks like this: along the head of the bed, which stands the end to the wall, stick wallpaper band with a thick pattern.
The pattern usually contrasts with a light surface and visually pulls the room in height.

Other finish

Designers constantly give out ideas that may seem unusual. But the designer decoration is different.
And often, for the internal arrangement of the attic, the materials that are intended for the outer finish of the facades are used.


  • This includes materials such as vinyl and aluminum siding, various types of composite panels, plastic HPL panels. Some manufacturers even offer complete options designed specifically for mansard finish.
  • Such kits are manufactured under a specific object, according to preliminary measurements - this is called an individual design. In this case, the finishing of the attic is an assembly of a certain design, which is performed quickly, and without unnecessary dirt.

  • Monsard walls lined with HPL panels look especially good. These anti-vandal facade panels produced from high pressure plastic have extraordinary strength, dielectric and thermal insulation properties, and virtually not absorbed moisture.

  • The production of this material is carried out simultaneously with the pressing of the upper decorative layer. As a result of this technology, compact, non-porous hygienic panels having a strict geometric shape.

There are options with double-sided finish, and different. So the surface design can be created, just turning the panel to one or the other.
We told you about the most interesting options for finishing an attic space, but the choice, naturally, only for you.

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