Употребление Past Simple с глаголом «to be. To be в прошедшем и будущем временах Глагол to в past simple упражнения

В прошедшем простом времени глагол to be имеет два варианта спряжения was и were . Was употребляется с существительными в единственном числе, were - с существительными во множественном числе. С местоимением you , которое может переводиться как вы и ты, используется только were.

Утвердительное предложение

Глаголы was / were не образует кратких форм в утвердительных предложениях!

1 2 3 4 5 6
I was so happy
It very cold last night
We were in the park four days ago

В утвердительных предложениях встречаются составные именные сказуемые, которые обычно состоят из двух частей. Первая часть - это глагол в соответствующей временной форме, вторая часть - глагол в форме инфинитива с частицей to. Аналогичные глагольные формы имеются и в русском языке, поэтому в данном случае удобно ориентироваться по переводу.

I was glad to meet you .
Я был рад встретиться с вами .

It was great to see my former classmates. Было здорово увидеть моих бывших одноклассников.

Отрицательные предложения

В отрицательных предложениях часто используется краткая отрицательная форма: was+not= wasn"t , were+not= weren"t .

1 2 3 4 5 6
Полная форма Краткая форма
I was not wasn"t happy about the marks for the test
It a difficult task
We were not weren"t at the party

Отрицательные предложения с составными именными сказуемыми также возможны.

They were not happy to hear the news.
I wasn"t sorry to quit my job.

Общие вопросы

1 2 3 4 5
Was I polite with the customer?
It Hot On weekends
Were we busy at work?

Ответ на общий вопрос такой же, как и в Present Simple.

Was it a good party? - Yes, it was/ No, it wasn"t (was not).
Were they friends? - Yes, they were/ No, they weren"t (were not).

Специальные вопросы

Вопросы к подлежащему

1 2 3 4 5
Who was present at the lesson?
What was incorrect?

В данном типе вопроса глагол to be может употребляться и во множественном числе:

Who were those people ?
What were his words about?

В вопросах часто употребляются составные именные сказуемые.

Were you glad to see me again?
When was he ready to help his parents?
Who was lucky to see this movie first?


Наречия частотности, как и в Present Simple, обычно ставятся после глагола to be .

We are usually at home in the evening.
He wasn"t often rude to the children.
Were you always on our side?

Если в предложении стоит наречие never, то других отрицаний ставить не нужно!

The pupils were never satisfied with their marks.

Сегодня продолжаем изучать времена английского языка. Надеюсь, Вы внимательно изучили статью и уже уверенно составляете предложения с глаголом to be в настоящем времени. Теперь научимся говорить о прошедшем времени, употребляя формы глагола to be — was и were.

Глагол to be в прошедшем времени, как правило, не вызывает у студентов сложностей, потому что имеет прямой перевод «был» (was), «были» (were). В представленных ниже грамматических таблицах Вы познакомитесь с образованием утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формы глагола to be в прошедшем времени. И на закрепление, как всегда, небольшая самостоятельная работа.

Сравните утвердительную и вопросительную формы. В русском языке они отличаются только интонацией. А вот в английском языке глагол to be в прошедшем времени требует изменения порядка слов при образовании вопроса. Нарушение этого правила будет


Утвердительная форма
Past Simple (глагол to be)

Вопросительная форма
Past Simple (глагол to be)
(yes/no questions – общие вопросы) ?

Вопросительная форма
Past Simple (глагол to be)
(WH — ? – специальные вопросы) ?

Отрицательная форма
Past Simple (глагол to be)

Итак, сегодня мы рассмотрели еще одну таблицу — глагол to be в прошедшем времени . Такие грамматические таблицы действительно полезны и легки в использовании. И Вы не раз еще будете к ним возвращаться, чтобы освежить свои знания. Если у Вас возникли какие-то вопросы по теме или нужны дополнительные объяснения, пишите в комментариях. Отвечу на все вопросы. Ожидайте новых статей в рубрике .

Упражнения для Past Simple (глагол to be):

Времена в английском языке.

Для того, чтобы рассказать о событиях в прошлом, в английском языке используется время Past Simple . Время Past Simple употребляется, если известно о том, когда произошло действие или последовательность действий в прошлом.


Past Simple с глаголом to be образуется следующим образом: to be ставится в форму прошедшего времени: was в единственном числе и were во множественном числе.

I was at home yesterday.

Я был дома вчера.

They were at home yesterday.

Они были дома вчера.


Отрицательная форма времени Past Simple образуется добавлением частицы not: was not , were not . Можно также использовать сокращенные формы: wasn’t , weren’t :

I was not at home yesterday. или I wasn’t at home yesterday.

Я не был дома вчера.

They were not at home yesterday или They weren’t at home yesterday

Они не были дома вчера.


Вопросительная форма образуется по общим правилам: was или were ставится в начале предложения.

Was I at home yesterday?

Я был дома вчера?

Were they at home yesterday?

Они были дома вчера?

Маркеры времени

При употреблении времени Past Simple часто используются следующие слова:

Таблица времени Past Simple (Summary)

Посмотрите еще раз на таблицу времени Past Simple и обратите внимание на употребление was и were , а также на построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений:

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос
was at home. at home. Was at home?
were at home. at home. Were at home?

Для того, чтобы рассказать о событиях в прошлом, в английском языке используется время Past Simple. Время Past Simple употребляется, если известно о том, когда произошло действие или последовательность действий в прошлом.

Past Simple с глаголом to be образуется следующим образом: to be ставится в форму прошедшего времени: was в единственном числе и were во множественном числе.

Например: I was at home yesterday. - Я был дома вчера. They were at home yesterday - Они были дома вчера.

1. Меня зовут Катя. 2. Мне 14 лет. 3. Я русская. Я из Санкт-Петербурга. 4. Я ученица. 5. Мой любимый вид спорта - теннис. 6. Я интересуюсь музыкой. 7. Мой любимый предмет - английский язык. 8. Мой папа - программист. Он не интересуется политикой. 9. Моя мама - зубной врач. Она интересуется искусством. 10. Мы всегда заняты, но мы очень счастливы быть вместе. 11. Чья это ручка? - Это моя ручка. 12. Чья это книга? - Это ваша книга. 13. Чей это стол? - Это стол моего брата. 14. Чья это сумка? - Это сумка моей мамы. 15. Чей это карандаш? - Это карандаш моей сестры. 16. Это твоя тетрадь? - Да. 17. Это тетрадь твоего брата? - Нет, это моя тетрадь. 18. Где ваш стол? - Он посередине комнаты. 19. Где твоя ручка? - Она в моем кармане. 20. Где твоя тетрадь? - Она на столе. 21. Где твоя мама? - Она на работе. 22. Где твой брат? - Он в школе. 23. Где твоя сестра? - Она дома. 24. Чей это карандаш? - Это мой карандаш. - А где мой карандаш? - Он на столе. 25. Чьи это часы? - Это мои часы. - А где мои часы? - Они на столе. 1. My name is Kate. 2. I am fourteen (years old). 3. I"m Russian. I"m from St. Petersburg. 4. I"m a pupil. I go to school. 5. My favourite sport is tennis. 6. I"m interested in music. 7. My favourite subject is English. 8. My father is a (computer) programmer. He isn"t interested in politics. 9. My mother is a dentist. She is interested in art. 10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 11. Whose pen is this? - It is my pen. 12. Whose book is this? - It is your book. 13. Whose table is this? - It is my brother"s table. 14. Whose bag is this? - It is my mother"s bag. 15. Whose pencil is this? - It is my sister"s pencil. 16. Is this your exercise book? - Yes, it is. 17. Is this your brother"s exercise book? - No, it is my exercise book. 18. Where is your table? - It is in the middle of the room. 19. Where is your pen? - It is in my pocket. 20. Where is your exercise book? - It is on the table. 21. Where is your mother? - She is at work. 22. Where is your brother? - He is at school. 23. Where is your sister? - She is at home. 24. Whose pencil is this? - It is my pencil. - And where is my pencil? - It is on the table. 25. Whose watch is this? - It is my watch. - And where is my watch? - It is on the table.

Упражнение 159. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Where ... you? - I... in the kitchen. 2. Where ... Fred? - He ... in the garage. 3. Where ... Lisa and John? - They .. at college. 4. ... you busy? - No, I ... not. Mike ... busy. He ... the busiest person I"ve ever met. 5. It ... ten o"clock. She ... late again. 6. How ... you? - I ... not very well today. - I ... sorry to hear that. 7. We ... interested in classical music. 8. Vera ... afraid of snakes. 9. My grandmother ... not nervous and she ... rarely upset. She ... the kindest person I"ve ever seen. My grandmother ... really wonderful. 10. I ... sorry. They ... not at the office at the moment. 11. Where ... the keys? - In your jacket. 12. What... the time, please? - Two o"clock. 13. It ... the biggest meal I"ve ever had. 14. Which sport do you think ... the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics ... not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating. 16. Debt... the worst kind of poverty. 17. The game ... not worth the candle. 18. Do you have any idea where he ... ? 19. Used cars ... cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 20. What ... the weather forecast for tomorrow? 21. Art ... long, life .. short. 22. You ... the best friend I"ve ever had. 23. I don"t remember what his telephone number ... . 24. Two heads ... better than one. 25. You ... right. That ... a lot of money! Coffee ... very expensive this week. 1. Where are you? - I am in the kitchen. 2. Where is Fred? - He is in the garage. 3. Where are Lisa and John? - They are at college. 4. Are you busy? - No, I am not. Mike is busy. He is the busiest person I"ve ever met. 5. It is ten o"clock. She is late again. 6. How are you? - I am not very well today. - I am sorry to hear that. 7. We are interested in classical music. 8. Vera is afraid of snakes. 9. My grandmother isn"t nervous and she is rarely upset. She is the kindest person I"ve ever seen. My grandmother is really wonderful. 10. I"m sorry. They are not at the office at the moment. 11. Where are the keys? - In your jacket. 12. What is the time, please? - Two o"clock. 13. It is the biggest meal I"ve ever had. 14. Which sport do you think is the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics are not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating. 16. Debt is the worst kind of poverty. 17. The game is not worth the candle. 18. Do you have any idea where he is? 19. Used ears are cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 20. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? 21. Art is long, life is short. 22. You are the best friend I"ve ever had. 23. I don"t remember what his telephone number is. 24. Two heads are better than one. 25. You are right. That"s a lot of money! Coffee is very expensive this week.
Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос
I was I was not Was I?
He was He was not Was he?
She was She was not Was she?
It was It was not Was it?
We were We were not Were we?
You were You were not Were you?
They were They were not Were they?

Past Simple Tense (Past Indefinite Tense)
Was I ? Yes, I was. - Да. No, I was not. - Нет.
Was he? Yes, he was. - Да. No, he was not. - Нет.
Was she? Yes, she was. - Да. No, she was not. - Нет.
Was it? Yes, it was. - Да. No, it was not. - Нет.
Were we? Yes, we were. - Да. No, we were not. - Нет.
Were you? Yes, you were. - Да. No, you were not.- Нет.
Were they? Yes, they were. - Да. No, they were not. - Нет.

Упражнение 160. Вставьте глагол to be в Past Simple.

My aunt ... very depressed last Sunday. The weather ... terrible. It ... cold and rainy. Her husband ... not at home. He ... at hospital because he ... sick. Her children ... not at school. They ... not in the yard, they ... in the living room. The TV ... broken. The children ... not only upset, they ... very angry. The neighbours ... not happy because her children ... too noisy. The house ... not clean. The sink ... broken. There ... dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There ... nothing in the fridge. There ... no vegetables for dinner, there ... no juice for her children. There ... not even bread in the house! She ... tired and hungry. She ... just exhausted. My aunt was very depressed last Sunday. The weather was terrible. It was cold and rainy. Her husband was not at home. He was at hospital because he was sick. Her children were not at school. They were not in the yard, they were in the living room. The TV was broken. The children were not only upset, they were very angry. The neighbours were not happy because her children were too noisy. The house was not clean. The sink was broken. There were dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There was nothing in the fridge. There were no vegetables for dinner, there was no juice for her children. There was not even bread in the house! She was tired and hungry. She was just exhausted.

Упражнение 161. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present или Past Simple.

1. Погода была прекрасная. Было тепло и солнечно. Мои дети были в школе, а мой муж был на работе. Я была в саду. Там было много красивых цветов. Это было в мае. Я была счастлива. 2. Я ученик. 3. Он летчик. 4. Она доктор. 5. Мы школьники. 6. Вы рабочие. 7. Ты рабочий. 8. Они ученики. 9. Я дома. 10. Он в школе. 11. Она в кино? 12. Мы в парке. 13. Они в театре? 14.Она молодая? 15. Он старый. 16. Она не старая. 17. Они сильные. 18. Она больна. 19. Вы больны? 20. Он болен? 21. Я не болен. 22. Я был болен вчера. 23. Она не была больна. 24. Мы были в кино. Спряжение глагола to be (быть) в
Future Simple Tense (Future Indefinite Tense)
1. The weather was fine. It was warm and sunny. My children were at school and my husband was at work. I was in the garden. There were many beautiful flowers there. It was in May. I was happy. 2. I am a pupil. I go to school. 3. He is a pilot. 4. She is a doctor. 5. We are schoolchildren. 6. You are workers. 7. You are a worker. 8. They are pupils. 9. I am at home. 10. He is at school. 11. Is she at the cinema? 12. We are in the park. 13. Are they at the theatre? 14. Is she young? 15. He is old. 16. She is not old. 17. They are strong. 18. She is ill. 19. Are you ill? 20. Is he ill? 21. I am not ill. 22. I was ill yesterday. 23. She was not ill. 24. We were at the cinema.
Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос
I shall (will) be I shall (will) not be Shall (will) I be?
He will be He will not be Will he be?
She will be She will not be Will she be?
It will be It will not be Will it be?
We shall (will) be We shall (will) not be Shall (will) we be?
You will be You will not be Will you be?
They will be They will not be Will they be?
Краткие ответы на вопросы с глаголом to be в
Future Simple Tense (Future Indefinite Tense)
Will (shall) I be ? Yes, I will (shall). - Да. No, I won"t (shan"t). - Нет.
Will he be? Yes, he will. - Да. No, he won"t. - Нет.
Will she be? Yes, she will. - Да. No, she won"t. - Нет.
Will it be? Yes, it will. - Да. No, it won"t. - Нет.
Will (shall) we be? Yes, we will (shall). - Да. No, we won"t (shan"t). - Нет.
Will you be? Yes, you will. - Да. No, you won"t.- Нет.
Will they be? Yes, they will. - Да. No, they won"t. - Нет.

Упражнение 162. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.

1. The students ... in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they ... in the Hermitage. There ... an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they ... in the Tretyakov Gallery. They... lucky. 4. My father ... a teacher. 5. He ... a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I ...a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister ... not ... at home tomorrow. 8. She ... at school tomorrow. 9. ... you ... at home tomorrow? 10. ... your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister ... ill last week. 12. She ... not ill now. 13. Yesterday we ... at the theatre. 14. Where ... your mother now? - She ... in the kitchen. 15. Where ... you yesterday? - I ... at the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ... at home. 17. ... your little sister in bed now? - Yes, she ... 18. ... you ... at school tomorrow? - Yes, I ... . 19. When my granny ... young, she ... an actress. 20. My friend ... in Moscow now. 21. He ... in St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where ... your books now? - They ... in my bag. 1. The students are. 2. They were, there was. 3. They will be, they are. 4. My father is. 5. He was. 6. I shall be. 7. My sister will not be. 8. She will be. 9. Will you be. 10. Was your father. 11. My sister was. 12. She is not. 13. We were. 14. Where is your mother, she is. 15. Where were you, I was. 16. My family will be. 17. Is your little sister, she is. 18. Will you be, I shall. 19. My granny was, she was. 20. My friend is. 21. He will be. 22. Where are your books, they are.

Упражнение 163 Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.

Ronald Frank ... a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He ... always on a business trip. Yesterday he ... in Geneva. Tomorrow he ... in London. Last week he ... in Chicago. Next week he ... in New Orleans. At the moment he ...in Amsterdam. In two hours he ... in the Hague. Three days ago he ... in Paris. At the end of his trip he ... usually very tired but happy. He ... with his family now. His sons ... so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family ... very glad to see him at home again. Ronald Frank is a managing director of the First Bank of Kingsville on Main Street. He is always on a business trip. Yesterday he was in Geneva. Tomorrow he will be in London. Last week he was in Chicago. Next week he will be in New Orleans. At the moment he is in Amsterdam. In two hours he will be in the Hague. Three days ago he was in Paris. At the end of his trip he is usually very tired but happy. He is with his family now. His sons are so much excited. They have got new toys from their father. Everybody in the family is very glad to see him at home again.

Упражнение 164 Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.

1. Вчера они были в библиотеке. 2. Сейчас они в школе. 3. Завтра они будут в театре. 4. В данный момент его здесь нет. 5. В воскресенье он будет на концерте. 6. В прошлую субботу он был на стадионе. 7. Мой брат сейчас в школе. 8. Мой брат был вчера в кино. 9. Мой брат будет завтра дома. 10. Ты будешь дома завтра? 11. Она была вчера в парке? 12. Он сейчас во дворе? 13. Где папа? 14. Где вы были вчера? 15. Где он будет завтра? 16. Мои книги были на столе. Где они сейчас? 17. Моя мама вчера не была на работе. Она была дома. 18. Мой друг не в парке. Он в школе. 19. Завтра в три часа Коля и Миша будут во дворе. 20. Мы не были на юге прошлым летом. Мы были в Москве. 21. Завтра мой дедушка будет в деревне. 22. Когда твоя сестра будет дома? 23. Ты будешь летчиком? - Нет, я буду моряком. 24. Моя сестра была студенткой в прошлом году, а сейчас она врач. - Ты тоже будешь врачом? - Нет, я не буду врачом. Я буду инженером. 25. Они не были в кино. 26. Они не в школе. 27. Они дома. 28. Вы были в парке вчера? 29. Он был в школе вчера? 30. Он был рабочим. 31. Она была учительницей. 1. Yesterday they were at the library. 2. They are at school now. 3. Tomorrow they will be at the theatre. 4. At the moment he is not here. 5. On Sunday he will be at the concert. 6. Last Saturday he was at the stadium. 7. My brother is at school now. 8. My brother was at the cinema yesterday. 9. My brother will be at home tomorrow. 10. Will you be at home tomorrow? 11. Was she in the park yesterday? 12. Is he in the yard now? 13. Where is father? 14. Where were you yesterday? 15. Where will he be tomorrow? 16. My books were on the table. Where are they now? 17. My mother was not at work yesterday. She was at home. 18. My friend is not in the park. He is at school. 19. Tomorrow at three o"clock Nick and Mike will be in the yard. 20. We were not in the south last summer. We were in Moscow. 21. Tomorrow my grandfather will be in the village. 22. When will your sister be at home? 23. Will you be a pilot? - No, I shall be a sailor. 24. My sister was a student last year, and now she is a doctor. - Will you be a doctor, too? - No, I shall not be a doctor. I shall be an engineer. 25. They were not at the cinema. 26. They are not at school. 27. They are at home. 28. Were you in the park yesterday? 29. Was he at school yesterday? 30. He was a worker. 31. She was a teacher.
Спряжение глагола to work (работать) в

(действие в процессе, совершается в тот момент, когда о нем говорят)

Утверждение Отрицание
I am working
Не is working
She is working
It is working

We are working
You are working
They are working

I am not working
He is not working
She is not working
It is not working

We are not working
You are not working
They are not working

Вопрос Краткий ответ - да Краткий ответ - нет
Am I working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?

Are we working?
Are you working?
Are they working?

Yes, I am
Yes, he is
Yes, she is
Yes, it is

Yes, we are
Yes, you are
Yes, they are

No, I am not
No, he isn"t
No, she isn"t
No, it isn"t

No, we aren"t
No, you aren"t
No, they aren"t

Упражнение 165. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(NOW) 1. Timothy (to feed) his dog.
2. Mr. Jones (to clean) his yard.
3. Nancy (to paint) her kitchen.
4. Our neighbours (to wash) their car.
5. I (to wash) my hair.
6. Who (to fix) your sink?
7. What she (to do) now? - She (to dance).
8. The children (to brush) their teeth.
9. What he (do) at the moment? - He (to fix) his bicycle.
10. They (to have) a big dinner together.
11. The boys (to run) about in the garden.
12. I (to do) my homework.
13. John and his friends (to go) to the library.
14. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography.
15. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette.
16. The old man (to walk) about the room.
17. The dog (to lie) on the floor.
18. You (to have) a break?
19. What language you (to study)?
20. Who (to lie) on the sofa?
21. What they (to talk) about?
22. It still (to rain).
23. I (to open) an umbrella.
24. John (to play) computer games. 1. Timothy is feeding. 2. Mr Jones is cleaning. 3. Nancy is painting. 4. Our neighbours are washing. 5. I am washing. 6. Who is fixing. 7. What is she doing, she is dancing. 8. The children are brushing. 9. What is he doing, he is fixing. 10. They are having. 11. The boys are running. 12. I am doing. 13. John and his friends are going. 14. Ann is sitting, she is studying. 15. A young man is standing, he is smoking. 16. The old man is walking. 17. The dog is lying. 18. Are you having. 19. What language are you studying. 20. Who is lying. 21. What are they talking. 22. It is still raining. 23. I am opening. 24. John is playing.

Упражнение 166. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(NOW) It (not to rain) any more, it (to clear) up and the sun (to shine). The jazz band (to play) in the park. A lot of people (to listen) to the music and they really (to have) a good time. But they (not to dance) yet. There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people (to sit) there, and only five people (to wait) in the queue. Some people (to have) sandwiches and (to drink) coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there (to laugh) and (to make) a lot of noise. They (to play) games and Tom (to take) pictures. So what (to go) on? It is not raining any more, it is clearing up and the sun is shining. The jazz band is playing in the park. A lot of people are listening to the music and they are really having a good time. But they are not dancing yet. There is a coffee shop there. Only seven people are sitting there, and only five people are waiting in the queue. Some people are having sandwiches and drinking coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there are laughing and making a lot of noise. They are playing games and Tom is taking pictures. So what is going on?

Упражнение 167. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(СЕЙЧАС) 1. Я сижу в парке на скамейке и кормлю птиц. 2. Мама сидит на диване в гостиной и смотрит телевизор. 3. Это фотография моих друзей. Том играет на гитаре, а Джейн поет. 4. А здесь они танцуют на моем дне рождения. 5. Мы делаем упражнение. 6. Мы не купаемся. 7. Они играют во дворе? 8. Нина и Аня моют пол. 9. Коля помогает маме. 10. Ты помогаешь папе? 11. Моя сестра читает интересную книгу. 12. Они идут в школу. 13. Вы идете в школу? 14. Он работает? 15 . Твоя бабушка идет в магазин? 16. Он покупает конфеты. 17. Что делает твоя сестра? 18. Где играют дети? 19. Почему ты смеешься? 20. Куда они идут? 21. Что несут эти мальчики? 22. Я читаю. 23. Он не пишет. 24. Мы не работаем. 25. Вы читаете? 26. Он спит? 27. Коля и Миша играют в футбол. 28. Катя играет на рояле. 29. Она не поет. 30. Моя сестра спит. 31. Папа пьет чай? 32. Твои родители пьют чай? 33. Я не сплю. 34. Она сидит за столом. 1. I am sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds. 2. Mother is sitting on the sofa in the drawing room and watching TV. 3. This is a photo of my friends. Tom is playing the guitar and Jane is singing. 4. And here they are dancing at my birthday party. 5. We are doing an exercise. 6. We are not bathing. 7. Are they playing in the park? 8. Nina and Ann are washing the floor. 9. Nick is helping his mother. 10. Are you helping your father? 11. My sister is reading an interesting book. 12. They are going to school. 13. Are you going to school? 14. Is he working? 15. Is your grandmother going to the shop? 16. He is buying sweets. 17. What is your sister doing? 18. Where are the children playing? 19. Why are you laughing? 20. Where are they going? 21. What are these boys carrying? 22. I am reading. 23. He is not writing. 24. We are not working. 25. Are you reading? 26. Is he sleeping? 27. Nick and Mike are playing football. 28. Kate is playing the piano. 29. She is not singing. 30. My sister is sleeping. 31. Is father drinking tea? 32. Are your parents drinking tea? 33. I am not sleeping. 34. She is sitting at the table.
Спряжение глагола (работать) в Present Simple Tense (Present Indefinite Tense)
(действие совершается обычно)
Утверждение Отрицание
Единственное число
I work
(3 л. ед. ч.) He works
(3 л. ед. ч.) She works
(3 л. ед. ч.) It works
I do not work
(3 л. ед. ч.) He does not work
(3 л. ед. ч.) She does not work
(3 л. ед. ч.) It does not work
Множественное число
We work
You work
They work
We do not work
You do not work
They do not work
Вопрос Краткий ответ - да Краткий ответ - нет
Единственное число
Do I work?
(3 л. ед. ч.) Does he work?
(3 л. ед. ч.) Does she work?
(3 л. ед. ч.) Does it work?
Yes, I do
Yes, he does
Yes, she does
Yes, it does
No, I don"t
No, he doesn"t
No, she doesn"t
No, it doesn"t
Множественное число
Do we work?
Do you work?
Do they work?
Yes, we do
Yes, you do
Yes, they do
No, we don"t
No, you don"t
No, they don"t

Упражнение 168. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o"clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o"clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o"clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk). (USUALLY) 2. My sister (to get) up at eight o"clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well. 1. My working day begins, I get, switch, do, it takes, we have, my father and I leave, he takes, my mother is, she leaves, we gather, we watch, talk. 2. My sister gets. 3. She is, she goes. 4. Jane is, she does. 5. She has. 6. She goes. 7. It takes. 8. She speaks.

Упражнение 169. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

(USUALLY) 1. Andrea Schatzmann, an exchange student from Switzerland, (to live) with the Connor family in San Francisco. She (to get) up at 7 am and (to take) a shower. She normally (not to have) breakfast. At half past seven she (to catch) the bus. Her first class (to start) at a quarter past eight. She always (to have) lunch at 12 o"clock in the cafeteria. The cafeteria food (to be) OK and it (to be) cheap too. Her afternoon classes (to be) from 1.15 till 3.00 pm, so she (to be) at school all day. She usually (to have) dinner with the Connors at about 8.00. On Saturdays she (to have) lunch at the restaurant. Once a week, usually on Sunday mornings, she (to go) swimming. A few friends usually (to go) along, too. One of her friends has got a car, so he (to pick) them up and then he (to drive) them home. After swimming they often (to go) out for a pizza. On Saturday evenings she sometimes (to go) out with friends to a party or maybe to a concert. Sometimes she (to invite) friends to her house and they (to listen) to music and (to talk). Mr. and Mrs. Connor often (to take) them for a camping weekend to the seaside or to the mountains. From time to time she (to call) her family in Switzerland. They never (to talk) for very long because it (to be) expensive. She usually (to call) on Sundays because it (to be) cheaper then. 2. What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 3. When she (to catch) the bus? 4. She (to take) a shower in the morning? 5. She (to go) home for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? 7. How she (to get) to the pool? 8. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings? 1. Andrea Schatzmann lives, she gets, takes, she doesn"t normally have, she catches, her first class starts, she always has, the cafeteria food is, it is, her afternoon classes are, she is, she usually has, she has, she goes, a few friends usually go, he picks, he drives, they often go, she sometimes goes, she invites, they listen, talk, Mr and Mrs Connor often take, she calls, they never talk, it is, she usually calls, it is. 2. What time does Andrea usually get up? 3. When does she catch the bus? 4. Does she take a shower in the morning? 5. Does she go home for lunch? 6. When does she go swimming? 7. How does she get to the pool? 8. What does she do on Saturday evenings?

Упражнение 170. Переведите на английский язык, употреблял глаголы в Present Simple.

(ОБЫЧНО) 1. Я работаю. 2. Мы работаем. 3. Они не работают. 4. Вы работаете? - Да. 5. Он работает? - Нет. Он учится. 6. Мой брат не учится. Он работает. 7. Ты носишь очки? 8. Вы помогаете людям? 9. Он любит читать сказки? 10. Она любит играть на скрипке? 11. Моя сестра не читает книг. 12. Наша бабушка любит спать на диване. 13. Вы любите отдыхать в кресле? 14. Мы едим и пьем в кухне. 15. Мой брат не любит читать газеты. 16. Мы спим в спальне. 17. Мой брат спит на диване в жилой комнате. 18. Моя сестра одевается, стоя перед зеркалом. 19. Мой дядя пишет книги. 20. Мы пишем упражнения в школе. 21. Я трачу свои карманные деньги на мороженое. 22. Он читает все время и не любит смотреть телевизор. 1. I work. 2. We work. 3. They do not work. 4. Do you work? - Yes, I do. 5. Does he work? - No, he doesn"t. He studies. 6. My brother does not study. He works. 7. Do you wear glasses? 8. Do you help people? 9. Does he like to read fairy tales? 10. Does she like to play the violin? 11. My sister does not read books. 12. Our grandmother likes to sleep on the sofa. 13. Do you like to rest in the armchair? 14. We eat and drink in the kitchen. 15. My brother does not like to read newspapers. 16. We sleep in the bedroom. 17. My brother sleeps on the sofa in the living room. 18. My sister dresses before the mirror. 19. My uncle writes book. 20. We write exercises at school. 21. I spend my pocket money on ice cream. 22. He reads all the time and does not like to watch TV.

Упражнение 171. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

1. Где ты живешь? - Я живу в Москве. 2. Когда у тебя каникулы? - В январе. 3. Что тебе больше всего нравится в школе? 4. Мой брат работает в больнице. Он врач. Он встает в двадцать минут восьмого. Он работает утром и днем. Вечером он не работает. Вечером он отдыхает. 5. Твоя сестра говорит по-французски? - Нет. Она говорит по-немецки, а ее муж говорит по-английски. 6. Когда вы встаете? - Я встаю без четверти семь. 7. Когда встает твой брат? - Он встает без двадцати восемь. - А твоя сестра тоже встает без двадцати восемь? - Нет. Мой брат ходит в школу, а моя сестра не ходит в школу. Она еще не ученица. Она встает в девять часов. 8. Он не моет руки перед едой. 9. Этот мальчик свистит в классе. 10. Он не играет ни на каком музыкальном инструменте. 11. Но мальчик играет в футбол и любит смотреть мультипликационные фильмы. 12. Он любит школьные каникулы, особенно летние каникулы. 13. День рождения у мальчика 31 декабря. 14. Он поэтому получает много подарков. 1. Where do you live? - I live in Moscow. 2. When do you have your holidays? - In January. 3. What do you like best at school? 4. My brother works at a hospital. He is a doctor. He gets up at twenty minutes past seven. He works in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening he does not work. In the evening he rests. 5. Does your sister speak French? - No, she doesn"t. She speaks German, and her husband speaks English. 6. When do you get up? - I get up at a quarter to seven. 7. When does your brother get up? - He gets up at twenty minutes to eight. - And does your sister also get up at twenty minutes to eight? - No, she doesn"t. My brother goes to school, and my sister does not go to school. She is not a pupil yet. She gets up at nine o"clock. 8. He doesn"t wash his hands before meals. 9. This boy whistles in class. 10. He doesn"t play any musical instrument. 11. But he plays football and likes to watch cartoons. 12. He likes his school holidays, especially the summer holidays. 13. The boy"s birthday is on the thirty-first of December (in December on the thirty first). 14. That"s why he gets a lot of presents.

Упражнение 172. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

Мой дядя - инженер. Он очень занят. Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он встает в семь часов. Он умывается, одевается и завтракает. После завтрака он идет на работу. Он работает в институте. Он любит свою работу. Он женат. Его жена - врач. Она работает в больнице. Вечером она изучает французский язык. Она посещает курсы французского языка. Мой дядя не говорит по-французски. Он говорит по-русски и по-немецки. Он изучает английский язык. Вечером он посещает курсы английского языка. Сын моего дяди - ученик. Он ходит в школу. В школе он изучает английский язык. Сравните употребление Present Continuous и Present Simple My uncle is an engineer. He is very busy. His working day begins early in the morning. He gets up at seven o"clock. He washes, dresses and has breakfast. After breakfast he goes to work. He works at an institute. He likes his work. He is married. His wife is a doctor. She works at a hospital. In the evening she studies French. She attends French classes. My uncle does not speak French. He speaks Russian and German. He studies English. In the evening he attends English classes. My uncle"s son is a pupil. He goes to school. At school he studies English.

Упражнение 173. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. I am taking - I take. 2. He is helping - he helps. 3. They are going - they go. 4. She is playing - she plays. 5. I am reading - I read. 6. He is sleeping - he sleeps. 7. We are drinking - we drink. 8. They are going - they go. 9. I am not sleeping - I do not sleep. 10. She is not drinking - she does not drink. 11. We are not watching - we do not watch. 12. They are not eating - they do not eat. 13. My mother is not working - my mother does not work. 14. Are you working - do you work. 15. Is he playing - does he play. 16. Are they eating - do they eat. 17. Is your sister resting - does your sister rest. 18. What are you doing - what do you do. 19. What are you reading - what do you read. 20. What are they eating - what do they eat. 21. What is your brother drinking - what does your brother drink. 22. Is everybody having - does everybody have. 23. Is she taking - how often does she take. 24. Where are they going - where do they go. 25. Are they speaking - what language do they usually speak.
1. I (to take) my sister to school now. I (to take) her to school every day.
2. He (to help) his father now. He (to help) his father very often.
3. At the moment they (to go) to the river for a swim. They usually (to go) to the river for a swim.
4. She (to play) the violin now. She (to play) the violin every day.
5. I (to read) now. I (to read) every day.
6. He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night.
7. We (to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morning.
8. They (to go) to school now. They (to go) to school every morning.
9. I (not to sleep) now. I (not to sleep) in the daytime.
10. She (not to drink) coffee now. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch.
11. We (not to watch) TV now. We (not to watch) TV in the morning.
12. They (not to eat) now. They (not to eat) at the lesson.
13. My mother (not to work) now. My mother (not to work) at an office.
14. You (to work) now?
You (to work) every day?
15. He (to play) now? He (to play) in the afternoon?
16. They (to eat) now? They (to eat) at school?
17. Your sister (to rest) now? Your sister (to rest) after school?
18. What you (to do) now? What you (to do) every morning?
19. What you (to read) now? What you (to read) after dinner?
20. What they (to eat) now? What they (to eat) at breakfast?
21. What your brother (to drink) now? What your brother (to drink) in the evening?
22. Everybody (to have) a good time now? Everybody (to have) a good time every Saturday?
23. She (to take) medicine now? How often she (to take) medicine?
24. Where they (to go) now? Where they (to go) on Sunday?
25. They (to speak) English now? What language they usually (to speak)?

Упражнение 174. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в

1. Не (to work) in the centre of Chicago. 2. He (to work) in the centre of Chicago? 3. He (not to work) in the centre of Chicago. 4. They (to read) many books. 5. They (to read) many books? 6. They (not to read) many books. 7. The children (to eat) soup now. 8. The children (to eat) soup now? 9. The children (not to eat) soup now. 10. You (to play) volleyball well? 11. When you (to play) volleyball? 12. What Nick (to do) in the evening? 13. He (to go) to the cinema in the evening? 14. We (not to dance) every day. 15. Look! Kate (to dance). 16. Kate (to sing) well? 17. Where he (to go) in the morning? 18. He (not to sleep) after dinner. 19. My granny (to sleep) after dinner. 20. When you (to sleep)? 21. Nina (not to sleep) now. 22. Where John (to live)? - He (to live) in England. 23. My friends from Switzerland (to speak) four languages. 24. Elvire (to speak) English, German and French? Yes, she .... 25. She only (not to speak) Italian. 1. He works. 2. Does he work. 3. He doesn"t work. 4. They read. 5. Do they read. 6. They do not read. 7. The children are eating. 8. Are the children eating. 9. The children are not eating. 10. Do you play 11. When do you play. 12. What does Nick do. 13. Does he go. 14. We do not dance. 15. Kate is dancing. 16. Does Kate sing. 17. Where does he go. 18. He does not sleep. 19. My granny sleeps. 20. When do you sleep. 21. Nina is not sleeping. 22. Where does John live, he lives. 23. My friends from Switzerland speak. 24. Does Elvire speak. 25. She doesn"t only speak (She doesn"t speak only) Italian.

Упражнение 175. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. Tom (to play) football on Saturday. 2. He (not to play) football every day. 3. I (to wear) a suit now. 4. I (not to wear) jeans now. 5. My friend (not to like) to play football. 6. I (not to read) now. 7. He (to sleep) now? 8. We (not to go) to the country in winter. 9. My sister (to eat) sweets every day. 10. She (not to eat) sweets now. 11. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon. 12. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 13. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 14. He (to work) every day. 15. I (to read) books in the evening. 16. I (not to read) books in the morning. 17. I (to write) an exercise now. 18. I (not to write) a letter now. 19. They (to play) in the yard now. 20. They (not to play) in the street now. 21. They (to play) in the room now? 22. He (to help) his mother every day. 23. He (to help) his mother every day? 24. He (not to help) his mother every day. 25. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 26. She (to work) in a shop now? 27. He (to deliver) letters now? 28. You (to go) to the opera with your friends? 1. Tom plays. 2. He doesn"t play. 3. I am wearing. 4. I am not wearing. 5. My friend does not like. 6. I am not reading. 7. Is he sleeping. 8. We do not go. 9. My sister eats. 10. She is not eating. 11. They do. 12. They do not go. 13. My father does not work. 14. He works. 15. I read. 16. I do not read. 17. I am writing. 18. I am not writing. 19. They are playing. 20. They are not playing. 21. Are they playing. 22. He helps. 23. Does he help. 24. He does not help. 25. Do you go. 26. Is she working. 27. Is he delivering. 28. Do you go.

Глагол to be («быть, являться. находиться») - один из базовых глаголов в английском языке и вы наверняка помните его формы в настоящем времени: .

Именно в настоящем времени глагол to be представляет основную сложность для нас, потому что в русском мы его упускаем и не используем. В русском языке, в отличие от английского, глагол «быть» практически не используется в настоящем времени. Вряд ли кто-то в повседневной речи может сказать «Я есть голодный» или «Я есть на работе». Поэтому, начав учить английский, мы часто не можем уяснить для себя, почему везде нужно ставить эти противные слова am , is , are . Подробно о нюансах использования глагола to be в настоящем времени вы можете прочитать в статье .

Но с изучением прошедшего времени проще, потому что в русском языке мы всегда используем глагол в прошедшем времени: был, была, было, были, соответственно, и в английском в прошедшем времени мы думаем так же.

В английском языке у глагола глагола to be прошедшем времени всего две формы: was и were . Запомнить просто: are становится were , а am и is становятся was .

Но мы все же рассмотрим каждую форму подробнее:

Was - это форма единственного числа. Ее используют, когда говорят про I , he , she , it :

I was tired yesterday. - Вчера я был уставший.
He was at home yesterday. - Он был дома вчера.
She was my best friend. - Она была моей лучшей подругой.
It was a nice present. - Это был хороший подарок.

Were - форма множественного числа, которая употребляется, когда говорят про :

We were at work. - Мы были на работе.
You were on holiday. - Вы были в отпуске.
They were happy to see you. - Они были рады вас видеть.

В утверждениях глагол to be стоит после подлежащего (действующего лица). После него обычно следует , существительное, либо прилагательное и вместе.

Глагол to be - особый глагол, которому не нужны никакие вспомогательные глаголы для образования отрицаний и вопросов.

В отрицании к нему добавляется частица not :

I/he/she/it WAS NOT / WASN"T
We/you/they WERE NOT / WEREN"T

I wasn’t tired yesterday. - Вчера я не устал.
He wasn’t at home yesterday. - Он не был дома вчера.
She wasn’t my best friend. - Она не была моей лучшей подругой.
It wasn’t an expensive present. - Это не был дорогой подарок.

We weren’t at work. - Мы не были на работе.
You weren’t on holiday. - Вы не были в отпуске.
They weren’t happy to see you. - Они не были рады вас видеть.

В вопросе глагол выходит на первое место, после него идет подлежащее:

WAS I/he/she/it ...?
WERE we/you/they ...?

Was he at work? - Он был на работе?
Was she glad to see you? - Она была рада тебя видеть?
Was the weather fine? - Погода была хорошая?
Were you busy yesterday? - Вы были заняты вчера?
Were they ready when you came? - Они были готовы, когда вы пришли?

Важно запомнить произношение форм:

wasn’t [ˈwəzənt]

Что касается употребления глагола to be в прошедшем времени, то он употребляется в тех же случаях, что и в настоящем, только am , is , are заменяются на was и were :

I was glad to see you yesterday. - Вчера я был рад вас видеть. (Связывает существительное и прилагательное)
He was my collegue. - Он был моим коллегой. (Когда говорим, кем или чем являлся предмет обсуждения)
She was a teacher. - Она была учителем. (Когда говорим о профессиях людей)
They were Americans/ from America. - Они были американцами / из Америки (когда говорим о национальностях)
I was 25 when we met. - Ей было 25 когда мы встретились (когда говорим о возрасте)
The shoes were on the floor. - Туфли были на полу. (когда говорите о местонахождении чего-либо)
There were trees in the park. - В парке было много деревьев (как часть оборота )

Кроме того, формы was и were в сочетании с глаголом с окончанием -ing служат для образования времени .

Was/were или did?

Распространенная ошибка, о которой бы хотелось упомянуть, - использование вспомогательного глагола did вместо was и were для образования отрицания или вопроса в прошедшем времени. Часто ученики полностью не понимают, когда следует использовать did , а когда to be , говорят интуитивно и допускают ошибки. Прежде всего, давайте запомним, что таких форм как did you be или did not be не существует.

Но как же понять, когда , когда was и were ? Я объясню вам простым языком, как я всегда объясняю своим ученикам, когда они допускают эту ошибку. Чтобы определиться с глаголом, мы смотрим, о чем предложение: о действии или об описании.

Did - это действие. Чтобы использовать did , в предложении должен быть другой глагол, другое активное действие. Когда появляется did , глагол становится в первую форму. В предложениях с was и were активного действия нет, а есть прилагательное, существительное, может быть указание места или другая описательная информация, но не действие.


I was at work. - Я был на работе. (предложение описательное)
Did you be at work? I did not be at work. - неправильный вопрос и неправильное отрицание, так как в предложении нет активного действия, есть только глагол «быть».
Were you at work? - правильный вопрос. Глагол to be образует вопрос самостоятельно.

I went to work. - Я ходил на работу. (предложение с действием) Were you go to work? I weren’t go to work. - неправильный вопрос и неправильное отрицание. В предложении есть активное действие, поэтому нужно использовать вспомогательный глагол did.
Did you go to work? - правильный вопрос, используется вспомогательный глагол did.

Мы обязательно вернемся к обсуждению глагола to be на страницах нашего блога, потому что нам предстоит рассмотреть еще множество нюансов.

А пока продолжайте изучать английский с нами, оставляйте комментарии, задавайте вопросы.

Если вам нужна помощь в овладении английской грамматикой - мы с удовольствием вам поможем! Записывайтесь на бесплатное вводное занятие и попробуйте наш живой !

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